About Lord Shiva

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Lord Shiva
Shiva is Sha + ee + Va
Sha stands for Shareeram or body
ee stands for eeshwari or life giving energy
Va stands for vayu or motion

Lord Shiva, (Sanskrit: “Auspicious One”) one of the main deities of Hinduism, and one of the 12 Mahajan,s whom Shaivites worships as the supreme god.

Lord Shiva is a part of Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, and is associated with Moksha which is relief from the cycle of birth and death. By Moksha, He is actually taking us out from the illusionary world of Kama, Krodha, Moha, Mada and Lobha and making us realize who we are and what is our true purpose of existence.

Thus, the power of destruction of Lord Shiva has a great purifying power on a universal level. The destruction opens the path for a new creation of the universe, a new opportunity for the beauty and drama of universal illusion to unfold. Being Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram which denotes the Truth, Goodness and Beauty, Lord Shiva represents the essence of unlimited goodness and godliness.

Shivaratri puja performed on the Festival “Maha Shivratri” showers the blessings of Lord Shiva and His divine companion, Goddess Parvati.

In Hindu mythology there are various forms of meditations and different paths for yogis but Shiva represents the art of meditation in its most absolute form. In meditation, not only mind is made still but everything is dropped. In deep meditation or Samadhi, even the object of the meditation (like a mantra, Tantra or Yantra) is transformed into its formless essence, which is the essence of absoluteness and "Purna"(completeness). The path of Lord Shiva is undoubtedly the path of the ascetic yogi. 

Attributes of Lord Shiva

Unclad body covered with ashes:

This form of Lord Shiva depicts that Lord Shiva’s presence is much higher than this physical phenomenon. According to some scholars, Shiva’s body smeared with cemetery ash points to the philosophy of the life and death and the fact that death is the ultimate.

Jata (Matted Hair):

The flow of his matted hair represents Shiva as the Lord of Wind or Vayu, who is the subtle form of breath present in all living beings. Thus it is Shiva which is the lifeline for all living beings. He is Pashupatinath.

Sacred Ganga:

The holiest of the holy rivers, Ganga flows from the matted hair of Shiva. According to a legend, Shiva allowed an outlet to the great river to traverse the earth and bring purifying water to human being. Ganga also denotes fertility - one of the creative aspects of the Rudra.

The Third Eye:

Lord Shiva is known as the three eyed Lord or Tryambaka Deva. The sun is his right eye, the moon left while the third eye of Shiva on his forehead is the eye of wisdom. It is the eye that looks beyond the obvious. The third eye can search evil from anywhere and destroys it completely.

Half-Open Eyes:

The half-open eyes show that the universes cycle in process. When the eyes are completely closed it signifies the dissolvent of the universe and when it is completely open a new cycle of creation begins.


Shiva bears on his head the crescent of the Panchami (fifth day) moon. This is placed near the fiery third eye and this shows the power of Soma, the sacrificial offering, which is the representative of moon. It means that Shiva possesses the power of procreation along with the power of destruction. The moon is also a measure of time, thus Crescent also represent his control over time.

The Cobra Necklace:

This suggests that Shiva is beyond the powers of death and is often the sole support in case of distress. He swallowed the poison kalketu for the wellbeing of the Universe. The cobras around his neck also represent the dormant energy, called Kundalini, the serpent power. The snake curled three times around the neck of Lord Shiva depicts the past, present and future time. The snake looking in the right direction of Lord Shiva signifies that the Lord′s perpetual laws of reason and justice preserve natural order in the universe.

The Vibhuti:

Vibhuti is a three line of ashes drawn on the forehead that signifies the Immortality of the soul and manifested glory of the Lord.

Tiger Skin:

Lord Shiva is shown sitting on or wearing a tiger skin. The tiger is the vehicle of Shakti, the Goddess of power and force. Shiva is beyond and above any kind of force. He is the master of Shakti. The tiger skin that he wears symbolizes victory over every force. Tiger also represent lust. Thus sitting on Tiger skin, Shiva indicates that he has conquered lust.

The Elephant & Deer Skin:

Shiva also wears elephant skins. Elephants represent pride. Wearing elephant skin, Shiva indicates that he has conquered pride. Similarly deer represent the flickering mind. Shiva wears deer skin which indicates that he has controlled the mind perfectly.

Rudraksha Necklace:

‘Rudra’ is the other name of Shiva. Lord Shiva has the deepest connection to the Rudraksha a rosary made of the dried fruits of the Rudraksha tree. It also means strict or uncompromising and ‘aksha’ means eye. Rudraksha, the necklace worn by Lord Shiva on his arms, wrists, neck, waist and hair mat shows that he is firm about his cosmic laws and to maintain law and order in the universe. The necklace has 108 beads, which symbolize the elements used in the creation of the world.

Damaru (Drum):

A small drum with two sides alienated from each other by a thin neck-like structure represents the two utterly different states of existence, unclear and clear. When a damaru is shaken, the sound formed denotes Nada, the cosmic sound of AUM, which can be heard during deep meditation.

Trishul (Trident):

A three-branched trident shown adjoining to Lord Shiva symbolizes His three fundamental powers will, action and knowledge. As a weapon the trident represents the instrument of punishment to the evil doer on all the three planes - spiritual, subtle and physical.

Nandi, the Bull:

Nandi is said to be the vehicle of Lord Shiva. The bull represents both power and ignorance. Lord Shiva′s use of the bull as his vehicle expresses the idea that He removes ignorance and bequeaths power of wisdom on His followers.

Favorite Flowers of Lord Shiva and Benefits by Offering them with Devotion.

Bela Patra
Bela Patra Leaf

The triangular leaves or 3 leaflets of the bela patra tree are offered to Shiva as they are very dear to him. It is also said that the worship of Shiva which is done without offering bela patra leaf is fruitless. Bela patra leaf fulfills the wishes and removes poverty. It is believed that the bela patra tree was created by Lord Brahma; however the tree originated from the right hand of Lakshmi due to her long penance. No other object pleases Lord Shiva or makes him happier other than bela patra leaf.

Thummi or Thumbai Flowers - Leucas Aspera

However, there is a different significance for the different flowers used to pray Lord Shiva. Those who pray Lord with thumbai flowers seeks the blessing of donating a buffalo.

Japa Kusum-Hibiscus Flower

This flower benefits in getting rid of enemies. As well as those who offer garland made up of thousand nallakaluva, they get the same hundred parakramangalavarai fame as Shiva and get the chance to live in kailasham.

Rose Flowers

When worshipped Lord Shiva with flowers, it is said to be equivalent to the yangya performed to ten horses. Whoever worships Lord Shiva with eight flowers they get Kailash Prapti.

Datura Flowers

Datura is a genus of nine species of poisonous vespertine flowering plants belonging to the family Solanaceae. They are commonly known as daturas, but also known as devil's trumpets, not to be confused with angel's trumpets, its closely related genus Brugmansia. They are also sometimes called moon flowers, jimsonweed, devil's weed, hell's bells, thorn-apple, and many more.

White Crown
White Crown

If lord Shiva is worshipped with White crown flowers, the fault of having committed the adultery is destroyed. Human beings commit more mental adultery than with the physical body.


Lotus flower is also offered to lord Shiva if one desires for Lakshmi. This comes in white, pink and in blue color, blue lotus is the best flower that can be offered to lord Shiva or any deity and is very rare


Datura species are usually planted annually from the seed produced in the spiny pods, but with care, plants can be overwintered. Most species are suited to being planted outside or in containers. The plants are susceptible to fungi in the root area, so anaerobic organic enrichment such as anaerobically composted organic matter or manure, should be avoided

Mogra Flowers

One should submit flowers to Lord Shiva with utmost devotion and surrendering then the wishes in our mind shall be fulfilled. Offering mogra flowers fulfils wishes for those who do not have child.


Although this flower is prohibited in Shiv puja according to many but, this flower is specially offered to Shiv in evening time, it has a very intense fragrance.

Peeli Kaner
Peeli Kaner

Peeli Kaner and also white and orange Kaner but yellow specially is offered to please The Lord.

Winter Jasmin
Winter Jasmin

Mallika pushp in hindi. White in color and small sized with many petals, this flower is really dear to Shiv, also benefits in Beloved wife. Offering this flower with a pure heart shall

Flax flower

Alsi flower in hindi, whoever offered this flower to Shiv becomes dear to Lord Vishnu.

Vitex negundo

Nirgundi in hindi, offering to Shiv purifies one’s mind. When mind is purified, then understanding the Shiva principle becomes easier. Polluted mind shall be cleared like a river with clear water.


Offering this to Lord Shiva gives boon and benefits in always keeping ones house full of grains.

Laurier Rose flower

This flower is also called Karveer flower, benefits in killing of and keeping away from disease. Those who have dreaded disease when do pooja with these flowers and with full sradha, the disease shall vanish like ashes.


Har Shringar - aka Parijat or Night Jasmin, offering this will leads to a happy and prosperous life.

Durva Grass- Cynodon Dactylon Plant

The durva grass consists of three blades which represents the three principles of primal Shiva, primal Shakti and primal Ganesha. This is the reason why a person suffering from negative energies feels more positive and de-stressed when he/she comes in contact with the Durva. Durva is said to have the highest ability to attract the Ganesha principle which explains why it is an important offering made to Lord Ganesha.

All Avtars (Forms) of Lord Shiva

Shiva has different forms: The first being “Aghora” (which resides in the cremation grounds), then “Ishana”. (most often appears as the Shivalingam), the third being "Tat Purusha" where He is meditating, then “Varna Deva” (the eternally auspicious Shiva) and then “Sadyojat” or “Braddha Rudra” (the old wrathful form).

He is also known as Neelkanth because of his blue eyes and blue throat. It is believed that Lord Shiva drank the deadliest poison 'Halala' to save the world and this poison made his throat blue.

Another form is the “Nataraj”, where the Lord Shiva Nataraj's dance implies both the destruction and the creation of the universe and reveals the cycles of death, birth and rebirth. His Dance of Bliss is for the welfare of the world. In the pose of Nataraj, the King of Dance is giving darshan to his beloved devotees within the "Hall of Consciousness", which is the heart of the human. Under his feet, Shiva crushes the demon of ignorance called Apasmara Purusha, caused by forgetfulness. One hand is stretched across his chest and points towards the uplifted foot, indicating the release from earthly bondage of the devotee. The fire represents the final destruction of creation, but the dance of the Nataraj is also an act of creation, which arouses dormant energies and scatters the ashes of the universe in a pattern that will be the design of the ensuing creation.

Then in His “Mahamrityunjaya” form, Lord Shiva is depicted as the great conqueror of death and giver of immortality. The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is one of the two main mantras of the Vedas, next to the Gayatri Mantra. It is chanted to eradicate death and disease. Another main form of Shiva is “Ardhnarishwara”, Half Shiva, and Half Shakti.

The Shiva Lingam

Lingam is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘sign’ or ‘distinguishing symbol’ and therefore the Shiva lingam is literally a sign or symbol of Shiva. According to one interpretation of this sacred object, the Shiva lingam is divided into three distinct parts. Its bottom part is a circular base or peetham referred to as the Brahma-Pitha, on top of which is an elongated bowl-like structure called a Vishnu-Pitha. The third part of the Shiva lingam is a cylinder with a round head in the middle of the bowl and is known as a Shiva-Pitha. Another interpretation divides the object into two parts – the top half, i.e. the cylinder as the lingam and its bottom half as the Yoni.

Lord Shiva is conceived in his unborn, invisible form as the Shiva Lingam. The Lingam represents the male creative energy of Shiva. This main symbol of Shiva is worshipped in virtually every Hindu temple and home. Through profound understanding of this symbol, the mystery of creation can be understood as an act of love.

The lingam may be made using a variety of materials. For instance, sandalwood paste or river clay may be used to make temporary lingams for particular rituals, while more permanent ones may be made using stone, metal, or precious gems. Although there are precise rules governing the proportions of the lingam’s height, width, and the curvature of the top, the size of the lingam varies from several inches to several feet high. Additionally, there is an important category of lingams known as ‘svayambhuva’, meaning ‘self-originated’. These are lingams found in caves or on the ground and are believed to have come into existence by themselves at the beginning of time. Around 70 of these svayambhuva lingams are venerated in temples across India.

Benefits of worshipping Lord Shiva

To understand Lord Shiva, we should begin by conceiving in our mind the ultimate goodness. When we have a picture of this perfect goodness, infinite goodness, then we make it even better… and that is the beginning of the understanding of Shiva.

Lord Shiva is the Lord of Sankalpa, the strength of will power to define and obtain our goals. He gives us strength to attach ourselves to the sustaining values of life, to the values that will stay with us through eternity, the eternal ideals of perfection (Dharma).

By worshiping Shiva, the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness, we cultivate his qualities of freedom from attachment, and freedom from bondage to this world of objects and relationships. We cultivate the attitude of perceiving the Intrinsic Reality, not the extrinsic appearance. We identify with that which does not change, and become the witness of the changes of nature.

From this perception, we act and interact with the world remembering the eternal reality. We free ourselves from pain and fear, and see them as passing states of mind, accepting the will of God.

Maha Shivratri

Shivaratri falls on the Chaturdashi of every month. According to Shiv Puran, Chaturdashi of the Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month has been called Mahashivratri.

Maha Shivratri (known as "The Night of Shiva") Shivratri (in Sanskrit 'ratri' means night) is the night when Lord Shiva is believed to have performed the Tandava Nritya, the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction. This festival is celebrated for one day and one night. Maha Shivratri is also known as Shivaratri. On this auspicious day devotees glory, honor and worship Lord Shiva with sanctifying ritual throughout the night. For devotees of Shiva, this day is the most propitious day of the year as it is believed that whoever worships Him with true devotion is freed of all sins and is blessed with Nirvana or Moksha (liberation from the eternal cycle of life and death). As per the Vedas, the Universal Spiritual energy generated by favorable planetary positions is at its peak during this time. Thus Maha shivratri puja benefits and has a profound impact on the Supreme Lord's devotees

On this worshipping Lord Shiva and performing Maha Shivratri Puja is supremely auspicious and beneficial The puja includes Shiva Abhishekam using water, milk, Gangajal, honey, sugarcane juice, pomegranate juice and offering of belpatra vermilion, fruits, oil lamp incense Betel leaves and Panchagavya which is one of the best ways to worship Lord Shiva Devotees who worship Lord and are blessed with health, wealth and success. Shiva with true devotion on Maha Shivratri are freed from all sins.

Shiva devotees keep their fast on this day for 24 hours and get their blessings. The program of Jalabhishek in temples lasts throughout the day.

Simple Procedure of Lord Shiva’s Pooja

(Offer light) एष दीप: ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।
esa dipah om namah sivaya
(Offer incense) एष धूप: ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।
esa dhupah om namah sivaya
(Offer camphor) ॐ नमः शिवाय आरात्रिकं समर्पयामि
om namah sivaya aratrikam samarpayami
(Offer milk bath) ॐ नमः शिवाय पयस्नानं समर्पयामि
om namah sivaya paya snanam samarpayami
(Offer yogurt bath) ॐ नमः शिवाय दधिस्नानं समर्पयामि
om namah sivaya dadhi snanam samarpayami
(Offer five nectars) ॐ नमः शिवाय पच्यामृतस्नानं समर्पयामि
om namah sivaya pancamrta snanam samarpayami
(Offer water bath) ॐ नमः शिवाय गंगास्नानं समर्पयामि
om namah sivaya ganga snanam samarpayami
(Offer piece of fruit) ॐ नमः शिवाय फलं समर्पयामि
om namah sivaya phalam samarpayami
(Offer flower) ॐ एते गन्धपुष्पे ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।
ete gandhapuspe om namah sivaya
(Offer Bela Patra) सर्वकामप्रदाम बिल्वम दारिद्र्यस्य प्राणाशनमं बिल्वपत्रम नस्तीयेणा तुश्यति शंकरा
Sarvakamapradam bilvam daridryasya pranashanam bilvatpatram nasti yena tushyati shankara
(Offer pranam) ॐ महादेव महात्राण महायोगी महेश्वर । सर्वपापहरां देव मकाराय नमो नमः ।।
om mahadeva mahatrana mahayogi mahesvara sarvapapaharam deva makaraya namo namah
ॐ नमः शिवाय शान्ताय कारणत्रय हेतवे । निवेदयामी चात्मानं त्व गति: परमेश्वर ।।
om namah sivaya santaya karanatraya hetave nivedayami catmanam tvam gatih paramesvara

Lord Shiva Mantra’s

    1) Lord Shiva’s Most Powerful Mantra
  • Om namo hiranya bahade
  • hiranya varnaya
  • hiranya roopaya
  • hiranya pataye
  • Ambika pataya
  • Uma pataye
  • Pashupataye Namo Namaha

  • Ishana Sarvavidyanam
  • Ishwara Sarvabhutanam
  • Brahmadhipati
  • Brahmanodhipati
  • Brahma Shivo me Astu Sada Shiv Om

  • Tatpurushaya vidmahi
  • Vakvishudhaya dhimahi
  • Tanno Shiva Prachodayaat

  • Oho devaya vidmahi
  • Rudramurtaye dhimahi
  • Tanno Shiva Prachodayaat

  • Namaste Astu Bhagavan
  • Vishweshvaraya
  • Mahadevaya
  • Trayambakaya
  • Tripurantakaya
  • Trikagnikalaya
  • Kalagnirudraya
  • Neelakantaya
  • Mrityunjayaya
  • Sarveshvaraya
  • Sadashivaya
  • Shriman Mahadevaya Namaha

  • Om Shanti

    2) Shiva Moola Mantra
  • ॐ नमः शिवाय॥
    Om Namah Shivaya॥

  • 3) Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
  • ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्॥
    Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat॥

  • 4) Rudra Gayatri Mantra
  • ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात्॥
    Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat॥

108 Names of Lord Shiva

Name Meaning
Aashutosh One Who Fulfils Wishes Instantly
Aja Unborn
Akshayaguna God With Limitless Attributes
Anagha Without Any Fault
Anantadrishti Of Infinite Vision
Augadh One Who Revels All The Time
Avyayaprabhu Imperishable Lord
Bhairavi Lord Of Terror
Bhalanetra One Who Has An Eye In The Forehead
Bholenath Kind Hearted Lord
Bhooteshwara Lord Of Ghosts And Evil Beings
Bhudeva Lord Of The Earth
Bhutapala Protector Of The Ghosts
Chandrapal Master Of The Moon
Chandraprakash One Who Has Moon As A Crest
Dayalu Compassionate
Devadeva Lord Of The Lords
Dhanadeepa Lord Of Wealth
Dhyanadeep Icon Of Meditation And Concentration
Dhyutidhara Lord Of Brilliance
Digambara Ascetic Without Any Clothes
Durjaneeya Difficult To Be Known
Durjaya Unvanquished
Gangadhara Lord Of River Ganga
Girijapati Consort Of Girija
Gunagrahin Acceptor Of Gunas
Name Meaning
Nagabhushana One Who Has Serpents As Ornaments
Nataraja King Of The Art Of Dancing
Nilakantha Blue Necked Lord
Nityasundara Ever Beautiful
Nrityapriya Lover Of Dance
Omkara Creator Of OM
Palanhaar One Who Protects Everyone
Parameshwara First Among All Gods
Paramjyoti Greatest Splendour
Pashupati Lord Of All Living Beings
Pinakin One Who Has A Bow In His Hand
Pranava Originator Of The Syllable Of OM
Priyabhakta Favourite Of The Devotees
Priyadarshana Of Loving Vision
Pushkara One Who Gives Nourishment
Pushpalochana One Who Has Eyes Like Flowers
Ravilochana Having Sun As The Eye
Rudra The Terrible
Rudraksha One Who Has Eyes Like Rudra
Sadashiva Eternal God
Sanatana Eternal Lord
Sarvacharya Preceptor Of All
Sarvashiva Always Pure
Sarvatapana Scorcher Of All
Sarvayoni Source Of Everything
Sarveshwara Lord Of All Gods
Gurudeva Master Of All
Hara Remover Of Sins
Jagadisha Master Of The Universe
Jaradhishamana Redeemer From Afflictions
Jatin One Who Has Matted Hair
Kailas One Who Bestows Peace
Kailashadhipati Lord Of Mount Kailash
Kailashnath Master Of Mount Kailash
Kamalakshana Lotus-Eyed Lord
Kantha Ever-Radiant
Kapalin One Wears A Necklace Of Skulls
Khatvangin One Who Has The Missile Khatvangin In His Hand
Kundalin One Who Wears Earrings
Lalataksha One Who Has An Eye In The Forehead
Lingadhyaksha Lord Of The Lingas
Lingaraja Lord Of The Lingas
Lokankara Creator Of The Three Worlds
Lokapal One Who Takes Care Of The World
Mahabuddhi Extremely Intelligent
Mahadeva Greatest God
Mahakala Lord Of All Times
Mahamaya Of Great Illusions
Mahamrityunjaya Great Victor Of Death
Mahanidhi Great Storehouse
Mahashaktimaya One Who Has Boundless Energies
Mahayogi Greatest Of All Gods
Mahesha Supreme Lord
Maheshwara Lord Of Gods
Shambhu One Who Bestows Prosperity
Shankara One Who Gives Happiness
Shiva Always Pure
Shoolin One Who Has A Trident
Shrikantha Of Glorious Neck
Shrutiprakasha Illuminator Of The Vedas
Shuddhavigraha One Who Has A Pure Body
Skandaguru Preceptor Of Skanda
Someshwara Lord Of All Gods
Sukhada Bestower Of Happiness
Suprita Well Pleased
Suragana Having Gods As Attendants
Sureshwara Lord Of All Gods
Swayambhu Self-Manifested
Tejaswani One Who Spreads Illumination
Trilochana Three-Eyed Lord
Trilokpati Master Of All The Three Worlds
Tripurari Enemy Of Tripura
Trishoolin One Who Has A Trident In His Hands
Umapati Consort Of Uma
Vachaspati Lord Of Speech
Vajrahasta One Who Has A Thunderbolt In His Hands
Varada Granter Of Boons
Vedakarta Originator Of The Vedas
Veerabhadra Supreme Lord Of The Nether World
Vishalaksha Wide-Eyed Lord
Vishveshwara Lord Of The Universe
Vrishavahana One Who Has Bull As His Vehicle